Level 3, Defens Haus, Cnr Champion Pde & Hunter St, Port Moresby, PNG
Maritime Emergency (675) 305 4631

Navigation Warnings - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority

Coastal warnings provide maritime safety information as issued by the National Maritime Safety Authority. These warnings are part of a numbered series and may be valid only for a period as indicated.

Current notices are available on the website.

DateNAV Warning NumberAreaActivity TypeChart
25/04/2024PNGNW 12WEWAKLIGHT UNLIT 03° 22.69'S 143° 24.58'EPNG 651
04/04/2024PNGNW 8CAUTION BAYLIGHT UNLIT 09° 19.93'S 146° 58.67'EPNG 648
28/03/2024PNGNW 7QUEEN CAROLA HARBOUR LIGHT UNLIT 05° 08.18'S 154° 32.92'EPNG 684
28/03/2024PNGNW 6MADEHAS ISLANDLIGHT UNLIT 05° 27.63'S 154° 38.06'EPNG 684
28/03/2024PNGNW 5REDSCAR HEADLIGHT UNLIT 09° 15.91'S 146° 54.03'EPNG 647
26/10/2023PNGNW 24RABAUL REARLIGHT UNLIT 04° 11.71'S 152° 10.08'EPNG 680
26/10/2023PNGNW 23MASEI POINTLIGHT UNLIT 05° 24.39'S 154° 42.69'EPNG 684
16/03/2023PNGNW 10TROBRIAND ISLANDSLIGHT UNLIT 08° 24.09'S 151° 07.20'EPNG 637
16/03/2023PNGNW 9TROBRIAND ISLANDSLIGHT UNLIT 08° 33.77'S 151° 01.10'EPNG 637
16/03/2023PNGNW 8TROBRIAND ISLANDSLIGHT UNLIT 08° 37.70'S 151° 18.34'EPNG 637
16/03/2023PNGNW 7BUDIBUDI ISLANDSLIGHT UNLIT 09° 16.85'S 153° 39.37'EPNG 514

Navigation Warnings – Archive

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