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Maritime Emergency (675) 305 4631

NMSA sponsors ANZAC commemoration in Madang - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority


The National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) as the custodian of the Coastwatcher’s Lighthouse (Kalibobo) has given a helping hand to assist with hosting of the annual upcoming ANZAC Dawn Service in Madang.

Under its Community Engagement Program (CEP), NMSA has provided a K3,000.00 sponsorship to assist with the catering of what is known as “Gun Breakfast” and necessary groundwork towards the upcoming event on the 25th of this month.

Each year on 25 April, ANZAC Day is been commemorated by Australia and New Zealand, Papua New Guinea was a major battlefield during World War 2, many Papua New Guineans died because of the invasion of the Japanese Imperial Forces. Many Papua New Guineans fought alongside the allied forces in Milne Bay, Oro (Kokoda), Lae, Finschafen, Madang and Wewak where the advance of the Japanese was halted.

These small but very significant events are annually held at dawn to remember those who perished during World War 2. The Service is ecumenical and Madang commemoration has been the second largest in PNG for the past decade.

The annual events are held in front of the Coastwatcher’s Lighthouse that draws business houses, educational institutions and the general public.

However, this year, it is expected to be big with 4000 participants including Major Sean Payne who will represent the Australian Government and the Australian Army RAN vessels HMAS Shepparton & Benalla as these vessels will be in the province at that time and will take part in the ANZAC Service.

NMSA General Manager/Chief Executive Officer, Paul Unas said in the past years, the Authority has participated in this annual ANZAC Dawn Service in the province.

“Since the annual services are held in front of the Memorial Lighthouse and as the custodian of this lighthouse, it is only fitting that NMSA assist with the lead up preparation of this upcoming event under its CEP,” he said.

The Coastwatcher’s Lighthouse is one of the many lighthouses throughout the country that NMSA maintains as and when required.

This years’ service will be held at the Coastwatcher’s Memorial Lighthouse at dawn with a short march, parade inspection and service, which will last an hour, then this will be followed by the gun breakfast.

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