NMSA observes World Hydrography Day - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority

The National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) observed the annual World Hydrography Day on Friday 23rd June.
The World Hydrography Day (WHD) 2017 theme is “Mapping our seas, oceans and waterways-more important than ever.”
In 2005, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted resolution A/60/30 on oceans and law of the sea, which in particular welcomed the observance of World Hydrography Day by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). The aim is to give suitable publicity to its work at all levels and to increase the coverage of hydrograhic information on a global basis. The resolution urged all member States to work with the IHO to promote safe navigation, especially in the areas of international navigation, ports and where there are vulnerable or protected marine areas.
As a result, on the 21st June each year IHO celebrates World Hydrography Day.
World Hydrography Day 2017 marks the 96th anniversary of the establishment of the organisation known today as the IHO. On this occasion, IHO and its nearly 90 Member States reaffirm their commitment to raising awareness of the importance of hydrography and; continue to coordinate their activities, in particular through maintaining and publishing relevant international standards, providing capacity building and assistance to those countries where hydrographic data by ensuring the widest possible availability of this data through the development of national and regional marine spatial data infrastructure.
PNG is a member of the IHO through NMSA. Each year, NMSA celebrates this day which is intended to raise awareness about hydrography and related services provided by national hydrographic offices, industry stakeholders and expert contributors, and the scientific community. The Hydrography unit of NMSA together with the Navigation Safety Service Department observed the WHD, through an information booth setup next to Defens Haus, Port Moresby to raise awareness and share information.
NMSA’s Chief Executive Officer, Paul Unas said Papua New Guinea also marks the Day to recognise the efforts made by the IHO to promote safe navigation, especially in the areas of international navigation, port and where there are vulnerable or protected marine areas.