Small Craft - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority
The Small Craft Project is jointly funded by NMSA and Australian Aid through the Transport Sector Support Program (TSSP).
NMSA Small Craft Team has the role of assisting each of the 15 maritime provinces to implement, administer and enforce the Small Craft Act 2011. Each of these provinces is required under the Act to establish a Provincial Small Craft Board, appoint a Provincial Small Craft Registrar and appoint Provincial Small Craft Inspectors.
- develop of processes and procedures for the registration and licencing of small craft;
- provide training to provincial Small Craft Officials in the areas of craft inspection, registry operations and enforcement;
- supply materials for registering small craft including equipment, stationery and safety equipment;
- Assist with the refurbishment of registry offices;
- Conducting public awareness and education activities relating to the Act and safety at sea; and
- Work with manufactures of small craft to improve safety standards and will arrange for the free supply of safety equipment to every small craft owner once the Provincial Small Craft Boards have storage facilities in place.