Level 3, Defens Haus, Cnr Champion Pde & Hunter St, Port Moresby, PNG
Maritime Emergency (675) 305 4631

Distress and Safety Communications - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority

Every State recognizes the great importance of saving lives and the need to be directly involved in rendering aeronautical and maritime search and rescue services (SAR) to persons in distress. To achieve this task a SAR system needs an effective communication system to receive, acknowledge and relay notifications of distress; Co-ordinate SAR response; and conduct SAR Operations. All these require effective and efficient COMMUNICATIONS


Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) services provided by NMSA

GMDSS implementation

The full implementation of the GMDSS on 1 February 1999 marked the culmination of almost three decades of work by IMO and its Member States. It signified the realization of the vision and imagination of the pioneers who first saw the possibilities offered by satellite communications for saving lives and improving communications at sea.



NMSA also houses and provide PNG Coastal Radio services to the maritime users under its IMO Coastal State obligations. P2M used to be under the control and administration of Telikom. The station is now co located with the MRCC in the 2 floor of the Pacific MMI Building, downtown Port Moresby.


For Maritime Emergencies and Search & Rescue contact PNGMRCC on PNGMRCC@nmsa.gov.pg or Toll Free number (+675) 735 170 17

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