Level 3, Defens Haus, Cnr Champion Pde & Hunter St, Port Moresby, PNG
Maritime Emergency (675) 305 4631

Boat operator pays K80,000.00 fine to NMSA - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority

A tug boat operator has paid a penalty of K80,000.00 to the National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) for operating two tug boats in an unseaworthy condition, endangering the lives of the crew and the marine environment.

These boats, MT Salik & MT Trampco Satu have been operating in the country without PNG Survey Certificate since 22nd December 2018 and 27th June 2013 respectively.

These illegal operations are in breach of Section 94 and 95 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1975. The penalty under Section 95 of the Merchant Shipping Act is K40,000.00.

It was reported that since the PNG Survey Certificates have been issued by the NMSA, Glengrow Shipping (PNG) Limited had failed to submit annual survey reports to the authority for annual endorsements. These two vessels have been operating without their PNG Survey Certificates being endorsed by NMSA until both expired.

The two named vessels have been escaping the Authority’s radar for quite a period of time until they were caught operating in Aitape, West Sepik Province from the 9th – 10th June 2020 by a Field Inspection Team from the Authority led by NMSA’s Investigation and Enforcement Manger, Joseph Pyawan & NMSA’s Officer-In-Charge of Vanimo Office, Aaron Tupa. Both vessels including the DB. Trampco 3 and DB. Grace Star were detained after a flag state inspection. During the inspection, it was discovered that the owners were operating the named vessels in an unseaworthy condition, endangering the life of the crew and the marine environment.

After considering the seriousness of the matter, NMSA had decided to impose the maximum penalty of K40, 000.00 per tug boat.

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