NMSA marks Seafarers’ Day - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority
The International Day of the Seafarers 2020 campaign recognizes Seafarers as Key Workers with recognition on the role that our seafaring men and women have contributed globally and domestically during this very unprecedented time of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
As frontline workers, their unwavering efforts in necessitating the delivery of vital goods during the onslaught of the pandemic should be acknowledged and respected. That while the world came to a standstill, our seafarers continued to work in unimaginable and risky conditions to ensure continuity of global trade.
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), sanctioned the 25th June every year as the International Day of the Seafarer, in an effort to educate and raise awareness on the steadfast sacrifices and invaluable contributions that seafarers make to ensure facilitation of world trade and economy.
According to IMO estimates, maritime transport equates to almost 90 per cent of the movement of the world’s goods. Seafarers are not only responsible for the operations of such ships, but are also responsible for the safe and efficient delivery of cargo and fuel.
This year marks the 10th Anniversary of the Day of the Seafarer with the theme “Our Seafaring Future”. As the National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) observes this Day, it encourages all to acknowledge the hard work by our seafaring community, especially, during the COVID-19 lockdown period. These are men and women, who continued to serve our country with essential goods and necessities.
NMSA General Manager/CEO, Paul Unas said seafaring is one of the oldest professions and continues to be an important profession, as it enables the efficient and effective movement of goods and supplies globally and locally. Seafarers are often overlooked, invisible and under-acknowledged but their work is certainly indispensable.
He said this year’s campaign is fitting as it gives emphasis to the role that seafaring men and women are playing during this worldwide crisis.