Level 3, Defens Haus, Cnr Champion Pde & Hunter St, Port Moresby, PNG
Maritime Emergency (675) 305 4631

NMSA partners with agencies to improve cruise tourism - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority


The National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) is working in partnership with Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority, Australian Hydrographic Office, PNG Ports and other relevant agencies to improve cruise tourism interest in the country.

These agencies met during the 7th Maritime Safety Committee to discuss hydrography and issues related to safety of navigation.

The Hydrographic and Charting Program is aligned with the national government priorities especially in support of maritime transport sector development and cruise tourism. Hydrography has supported the development of cruise tourism, through updating of nautical charts. This has resulted in increased cruise tourism interest contributing to direct economic benefit to the country.

NMSA recognised the need to support and encourage cruise and expeditionary ships and has also revised its fees offering significant discounts on port calls in PNG. This came about following in depth consultations with relevant government agencies and key stakeholders.

NMSA General Manager/CEO, Mr Paul Unas says the pricing structure for cruise and expeditionary ships is a generous offer and encourages cruise-ship owners and agents to take advantage of the discounts offered.

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